In The Night Garden | 7 Reasons To Book Early For In the Night Garden Live

7 Reasons To Book Early For In the Night Garden Live

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If you’d like to join Igglepiggle, Upsy Daisy, Makka Pakka and friends for their new show this year but haven’t got round to booking your tickets yet, here are 7 reasons why you really should do it now!

It was brilliant! ★★★★

“I’ll bet my last pound that Igglepiggle floating on his boat will bring a sentimental tear to your eye as you clutch your little ones and squeeze them tighter before they grow up.”

- Cat from Manchester

1. Go now before your little one grows up!

So many parents tell us this is an amazing experience for you and your little one that you’ll never forget! Little ones grow up so fast. Don’t miss your chance to see the look on their face when they see their favourite characters brought to life!

Such a great show ★★★★★

“Take them before they outgrow it! Worth every penny… A lovely memory to cherish forever”

- Jodie from Milton Keynes 

Definitely take your little ones ★★★★★

“Definitely take your little ones before they grow up - so many memories were made ❤️

- Jodie from Telford in Shropshire


This link will take you to our official ticketing partner Family Tickets where you can choose your performance date and time, view the seating plan, and book your tickets online.

2. If you book early, you can choose the best seats! 

There are still seats available for almost every performance. But don’t leave it too late – over 25,000 tickets have already been booked and some performances are very full. It’s worth booking before the tour starts on Thu 2 May to make sure you get the best choice of dates, times and seats.

3. We’re coming to 28 theatres - each for a few days only!

Don’t miss it – we’re coming to 28 theatres across the UK from Thu 8 May to Sun 21 Sep. There are only a few performances on sale at each theatre and we’re visiting most venues for 2 days only. Find your nearest venue here and book now before it’s too late.

4. See Igglepiggle and the amazing flying Pinky Ponk at your local theatre!

Parents tell us when the Pinky Ponk flies over the audience it’s one of the most “breath-taking” moments of watching the show. Watch the wonderful audience reaction in the video above or read more about it here.

The only way to see the amazing flying Pinky Ponk and Igglepiggle in his new show is to book tickets with our official ticketing partner Family Tickets before it’s too late!

Whilst we make every endeavour for the Pinky Ponk to fly in every performance, the appearance of the flying Pinky Ponk cannot be guaranteed. This does not affect the performance.

5. Parents give In the Night Garden Live 5/5 stars ★★★★★

Now in its 16th year, In the Night Garden Live is one of the UK’s favourite family events. Over 1.3 million people have seen it so far and it gets 4.8 out of 5 stars based on 16,438 parents’ reviews.

6. Our Flexible Exchange Policy

For total peace of mind, you’ll be able to book with confidence for In the Night Garden Live with our Flexible Exchange Policy. If you need to change the time or date of your show just contact our team at least 72 hours before your booked time to swap your tickets for seats at the same value for any other available performance.

Bookings must be cancelled or exchanged in full. We’re unable to make changes to only some of the tickets in your order.

7. Our friendly support team can help you book the best seats now!


We know you may have lots of questions about the show before you’re ready to book tickets. Don’t worry – our friendly support team is here to help you. We’ve already helped thousands of families like you book tickets early for In the Night Garden Live 2025.

Let us help you complete your booking now, before the show starts on Thu 8 May, to make sure you get the best choice of dates, times and seats.

We’re here to help you plan an amazing and memorable day for your family. So please do get in touch with us now for a chat!

You can email any time or call us on 0330 120 0123. We’re available Mon - Sun 10am - 4pm.


Do it now while it’s still fresh in your mind, before it’s too late. No child is too young to see In the Night Garden Live on stage! Parents tell us that children as young as a few months old engage with the live show, and the looks on their faces are absolutely amazing.




  • In the Night Garden Live, 15/04/2015 5:06pm (10 years ago)

    Hi Gillian, C. Yates, Sue and K. Taylor - thanks for all your comments. Sadly we don't have any plans to visit Newcastle, West Yorkshire or the south at the moment. In 2015 we are visiting London, Birmingham, Manchester and Glasgow, so we really hope that you will be able to come along to one of these locations instead. If you haven't already, please do sign up to our mailing list so that we can keep you posted about future shows:
  • K. Taylor , 11/04/2015 1:19pm (10 years ago)

    you need to add a date and come to Newcastle my little boy would love this but it's too far to take him :-(
  • sue, 10/04/2015 8:29am (10 years ago)

    Will you be coming to Bradford or Leeds soon
  • c.yates, 26/03/2015 2:10pm (10 years ago)

    Why is there no show in the south.
  • gillian, 20/03/2015 9:18pm (10 years ago)

    wll you be comming to newcastle

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It's really well organised for families - we've had such a lovely time.

Hannah Seymour

Testimonials image 1

I loved the show and Ariana couldn't stop screaming with excitement

Imogen Thomas, @Imogen_Thomas

imogen thomas

Big smiles, she really loved it - definitely recommended!

Chris Newman

chris and olivia newman

The only time I've actually shed a tear in a theatre

Charlie Brooker, @charltonbrooker

charlie brooker

She loved it. Definitely bring the kids - it's fun for everyone.

Richard & Christina Heast

Richard christina and ruby

Definitely go - just for the delight on your child's face - it's amazing!

Victoria Prosser


The kids were absolutely glued all the way through!

Jade Hicks

jade and jack hicks

She was mesmerised, I was in tears - absolutely fantastic show!

Suzi Creed


She absolutely loved it and I wouldn't have wanted her to miss it.

Heather Jones

Testimonials image 2

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